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Iron-on Instructions

Things to prepare: Iron*, towel or cloth. *Iron-on patches adhere best to cotton products. Please refer to your garment's label.

*If you're using a heat press, please set the temperature to medium and follow steps 4 and 5. 


1. Lay the clean garment on a flat surface.

2. Turn the iron on. Ensure steam is off with no water in the iror Set temperature to the right fabric setting.

3. Place the patch (facing up) onto the garment where desired. Place a thin (cotton) cloth over the patch area.


Tip #1: If your patch has a border, apply more heat pressure to adhere to the edges completely. The border will hang freely unless you select the option "iron-on backing extending to the border." 


4. Apply pressure with the iron in circular motions for 10-30 secs. over patch area to ensure adhesion. Allow the patch to cool.

5. Flip the garment inside-out, apply direct heat (or place a thin cloth over it to avoid burnt effect on your garment before applying heat) with iron onto the areas until adhered. Once again, allow the patch to cool.

6. Check if the patch has adhered completely. (Repeat steps 4-6 if necessary.) Enjoy your newly patched garment!


Tip #2: Materials like mesh, coated and ribbed fabric, or any material with stretch or rough surface may not be suitable for an iron-on item. 

By Nature Iron-On Patch

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